Having Fun
Sorry that we have not updated as of late, but we
have had major computer problems that are currently
getting resolved.
Chase is doing great. He and Mom are traveling to
Cleveland on a weekly basis for his chemo treatments.
Please pray that all of his tests that he will
undergo on Tues, come back all negative. Tuesday will
be a very long day for Chase.
Chase accompanied Rusty and Mimi to the Tiffin Mall
on Saturday. Chase ran from one sprint car to another,
checking them out with Rusty.
Brandon Martin, 410 sprint car driver, hung out with
Chase and also asked Chase where he would like his
name placed on Brandon"s sprint car this season.
Chase played on sprint car simulator that was set up
to race at the Eldora Speedway, Chase took 1st place!
He also talked with D.C. Bash, and all the guys from
Attica Raceway Park.
We had pizza, sold alot of "Race for Chase" T-shirts
and was sooo excited to be around all of the sprint
cars! He was so wore out , that on the way home he
fell fast asleep!
Come on out to Attica, next Friday for opening Night! Chase is going to try to be there!
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Please keep Chase and his family in your prayers.God Bless You
WE have been praying for you. Kole is doing good, but the chemo is making him have body aches and headaches. WE are praying that Chase will be feeling better soon.
Love you,
The Keller's
Hello little chase and family, we saw you at the clinic and you are adorable! my daughter also goes to the clinic her name is kylie and she has a cancer called neuroblastoma. she has a website also.. www.caringbridge.org/oh/kylie next time we see you we will surely introduce ourselves. our prayers are with you.. sincerely, amanda (a fellow cancer parent)
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