Chase is doing great!
Hello Everyone,
We apologize for the delay in posting on Chase's
website. There has been a few problems with the blogspot
server over the last week or so. Chase has been home
enjoying being backaround his friends and family again.
We will be traveling back to Cleveland in the morning
for Chase's chemo treatment. Chase is also back on his
Neupogen shots again. He needs to have an injection
every day for 10 days straight. this will help keep
his counts up and help him to feel better. The big
doses of chemo that he had last week are starting to
show now, Chase isn't feeling very well and missed
going to Church.
For those of you who don't know, Chase had his last
radiation treatment a week ago. On March 28th, he will
go thru extensive testing again to see if the
radiation and chemo has killed this ugly disease
called cancer. We are all praying for this to happen.
On Saturday the 18th, Chase and his family went to
Tyler Smith's Benefit at the Clyde Fire Station. We
had a great time visiting with friends. Chase wanted
to climb into the Fireman's Boots and Uniforms. Mimi
had a hard time trying to convince Chase that he
couldn't do that.
The Black and Yellow "Race For Chase" T-shirts are
in. And they are Sharp! If you would like to purchase
your's, please contact Jane or Rusty at (419) 547-4032
We are hoping to go to the Tiffin Mall next weekend
for the Sprint Car Show. Chase will be with us there.
We hope to be able to set up a table to sell The "Race
For Chase" T-shirts. So come on out to the Tiffin Mall
and support all the local Sprint Car Driver's, and,
come out and see Attica's 2006 Race Fan of The Year
(Chase Berger)!
The love and support for Chase from all of the local
Sprint Car Drivers has been such a blessing! We can't
thank all of you enough for everything you have done
to make this little boy laugh and smile!
A HUGE Thank You to all of you for your continued
prayers and well wishes, cards, and donations. Chase's
family appreciates each and every one of you!
Please feel free to leave a comment, just click on "comments" below to leave a comment.
Please keep Chase and his family in your prayers.God Bless You!